Join the 10,000+ Christians who choose the Built Different Academy to challenge themselves Mentally, Spiritually, Physically, Relationally, & Financially! 
Do You Have What It Takes To Complete this FREE 7-Day Built Different Challenge?
**Warning - Most People Only DESIRE To Be Built Different But Won't Take Action To Actually BECOME Built Different.
Watch the video then enter your name & email below to reserve your spot in this challenge. You will be taken to the next page where you will create a Username & Password to get access to the 7-day Challenge!

Unlock The Secrets On How To Become Built Different: 

Zach Clinton, M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling 

As a high-performance coach, counseling resident, host of the Built Different Podcast, and a student in Liberty's Psy. D. program, Zach is going to reveal to you the secrets regarding how to unlock your mind and challenge you to take action that will give you the head edge so that you can perform better in each area of life.
Pastor PJ Preston

Former NFL outside linebacker, PJ Preston is serving as the Senior Pastor at Hope Co. Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. Over the next seven days, Pastor PJ will bring several challenges to you that can take your relationship with God to a different level! You don't want to miss the fiery sermons and challenges that he has for you!
Dr. Tim Clinton, Ed.D., LPC, LMFT

As the President of the American Association of Christian Counselors, Co-Host of 'Family Talk' Radio Broadcast with Dr. James Dobson, Life Coach to dozens of elite professional athletes & a licensed professional counselor and marriage & family therapist, Dr. Tim Clinton has seen it all. He knows what it takes to make the relationships in your life work. 
Ben Allison J.D., MBA

The secrets to being financially free are not hard to understand but rather they are hard to implement. Ben Allison, CEO, Entrepreneur and Investor will give you 7 different challenges over the next 7 days that will jump start your journey to becoming financially free. 
As a former Division 1 starting Pitcher and a three-sport athlete in high school, Zach Clinton knows what it takes to push your body to a different level. Regardless of your current physical conditioning, Zach is going to challenge you over the next 7 days to take action and start implementing healthy habits that can transform your health and life!
**Always consult a doctor or medical expert before engaging in physical activity or starting a new diet plan. 

Who Should Join The Built Different 7-Day Challenge?

The Built Different Challenge was specifically designed for men & women just like you who aren't satisfied with an average life, but rather, want to level up and be a real influencer & leader in the world.

 This program is open for anyone to join, but you should know that we make no apologies about our faith in Jesus. Our ultimate goal is bring honor to Him by raising an army of Built Different Leaders who use their talents & resources to serve Him!

Benefits of Joining The Built Different Challenge: 

  • Mentally: Discover the "Head Edge" that elite athletes, business owners, and the most successful people use to perform at the highest levels.

  • Spiritually: Tired of feeling like God is a million miles away? Want to connect with Him on deeper level? Experience the challenges in this program which will bring you closer to heart of God.

  • Relationally: Unlock the secrets to doing relationships better. God designed for us to want relationships with others. Discover how to connect with those you love or want to love on a greater level. 

  • ​Financially: Receive practical tools & challenges to take your relationship with money to a different level. You will discover how to calculate your net worth, how to budget, get out of debt, and invest in this challenge.

  • Physically: Receive daily diet and workout challenges specifically designed for anyone no matter your current level of physical fitness. This is meant to give you a jump start to changing the way you look, feel, & act.